
by - Juli 20, 2015

This is a note in the late night before my 19th birthday. I just finished to upload many photos of my lastest activities in Pengalengan. There are so many photos and I’m surely can’t upload all of them. LOL. Beside that, I also finished to remove (or unfriend) many people on my facebook’s friendlist. I’m not a cruel person. I just start to thinking clearly.

There was something that I keep thinking about it around this 2 weeks (maybe). It was something unimportant sentence that my friend (Ha Eun) talked before. That was happened when he asked my facebook account. After he saw the count of friends in my facebook’s friendlist, he suddenly said, “waaa Nurul! You have many friends here. More than 1000!”

Something just sting my brain nerves.
I suddenly said, “yeah, but I didn’t really know them. Just friend in there, facebook”

I don’t know, why this sentences keep running at my brain. I just realized that... how lonely I am!!

I have 1000+ friends at my friendlist but sure, if I count the people who I know, I only got several people. Maybe they aren’t more than 50 people. So, tonight I try to split them, the people that I know, and the people that I really really don’t know. And I’m sure, if I unfriend them, they don’t ever care about that, because who am I? Just the anonymous...

I ever think to much of my social media accounts that I have, but after I have a friends from Korea, I learned many new things. Especially about how to look at our social media accounts.

And the last status that I wrote on facebook account
The number of social media accounts that you have is to show two things. First, you are very famous person. Second, you are very lonely. And maybe, I'm a second one.

Yeah, sometimes we don’t really relly have many friends. We just had a lot of people around us. #sigh #peace

I hope, I have many friends around me who nice, friendly, funny, cheerful.....like YOU

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