2015 Voluntary Program with Chonbuk National University #part2

by - Juli 22, 2015

Note: I’ll edit this story by uploading many photos, because there’re many photos from my camera that in Zulfa’s laptop, so yeah, I’ve to waiting until I meet him when the holiday end.

Hello, I’m back! First of all, I would like to say “thankyou very much” for you who has read the part 1 before. You can leave the coments for that (if you want). And for you who still miss it, you can read by clicking the link in here. So, today I want to continue my story again.

I still feel so sorry to  my poor english grammar. And if I have a mistake, please tell me and I’ll correct it as fast as I can. ㅋㅋ

Do you remember your latest promise, Nurul?
Yes, absolutely! I have a promise to you that I will introduce our Art Team members (or maybe I’ll introduce another korean students that I knew by following the story). Have you ready? Okay. Here we are...!
here we are!!
From left: Ga Yong, Nurul (me), Yu Yeon, Risna, Mi Yeon, Ye Yeong, Jisu, Eun Bi, Ha Kyong, Jae Hyun.

We have 8 members of Korean students and two members of Indonesian students. #clap!! Actually, we also helped by other korean students who joined this team in the several activity. So, thankyou all!!

So, continue your story. What’s happened in 30th June?
I was forget about something on 29th June. Yeah, after we arrived at bungalow from teached in Sukalilah Elementary school, Puspita언니and Elisabeth언니 brought many shirts. YUHU~ we got a new shirts! ~ I mean, not only one, but also we got 4 shirts to wear during this program. Because I was a part of the second team, so I got kumaha damang’s shirts (they printed it “kumaha datang” , that’s a mistake).  I feel so happy to got it. Okay next!

this is my FAVORITE picture. we look so funny here ㅋㅋ
cr: Angga's camera

Kriiiiing!!! (sounds of alarm)
The alarm sounded. Me and Risna언니 went to the kitchen by fought with the cold which wrap our bodies around 03.15 a.m. Very hard to got the first cooking time. Luckly, we have almost already prepared what we need. We already cut the vegetables and tempe so we just need to cook it. And the most important thing that we already cooked the RICE!!

When we cooked, Prof. Choi came to the kitchen and met us (again). He saw us for a moment, and leave after that. Thankyou Prof! You gave us strength! We cooked until 03.50 a.m. and Zulfa helped us to awaken others. We have our “sahur” together in dining room. After that, we back to our bungalows, prepared for Subuh’s pray, and took a rest as long as we could. Then, we got ready for warming up. We musn’t be late again. Come on!

After warming up, we got ready for our daily routinity; teached in Elementary school. Actually, the activities in this day was same as yesterday. We will teached coloring the pictures and draw by scratching, and also we go to the elementary’s school with Taekwondo team too. The differences was I back to my habitat (to helped the Art team) and we went to different school. It was Citere Elemantary school.

When we arrived, there were more students than in Sukalillah. 대박! We entered the class. Woah!! I felt so happy because I can teach inside the class.ㅋㅋ. I felt so re-live. (note: I love Taekwondo). Like I said before, we teached the same lessons; coloring pokemon and flag’s picture and scratching). That was so fun and interesting.

This activities also finished on time, around 12 a.m. And we back to the Hotel again. Oh My God! I almost forget to told this. When we finished our class, the students in Citere’s school have a good habit. They did greeting to us (as their teacher) (note: in Indonesia, that action called “salim”). They suddenly lined and kiss our hands. It made Jisu언니 felt so touched. She cried. Really really cried. Risna언니 also cried, and I almost cried tooㅋㅋ. I felt so grateful. I never felt “salim”’s mean until that moment.  What a nice habit!
why are you crying???
After that, we back to Hotel and went to our bungalows. When I arrived at my room, I felt so sleepy and suddenly slept. Maybe that’s because I woke up earlier for cooked today.

At 01.20 p.m.
We all gathered again (First team and also Second team). And now, we’ll cleaned the village (by doing GPS “Gerakan Pungut Sampah”). Godness! It was really really hot day. #scream #cried

We walked and walked very far from our Hotel and also picked up trashes. Finally, we stoped at the place (I don’t know how to explain it), and the scenery really really beautiful! We took many pictures in there, but I didn’t bring my camera. What a pity I am! So, I used Risna언니’s phone.ㅋㅋㅋ Thankyou~. We took many photos, did selca (self camera. Same with selfie), and also took a picture together with our Art team members!!

cr: Yuyeon's handphone

After that, we back to our Hotel again. Woaaah!! I felt in burn so I choose to took a rest.
when me and Risna helped korean students shopping in this store. LOL

As usually, we got dinner time at 06.00 p.m. After dinner, we also have meeting time again. And tonight, we (me and Risna언니) learned how to made a frog and a ball by origami (folding paper). After that, we learned how to made a puppy, a sword, and a crown by balloons. AAAAKHHH #scream. For the first time, I really really scared by the balloons. I afraid it’ll be blow out, so I scared to twist it. Really!! AAAKKKKKHH!!

During this meeting, Jisu언니 felt so sick, so she back to her room first. Jack오빠 also felt sick, but he didn’t back to his room. Me and Risna언니 felt so pity to see that. Our team looked lost the energy. Not only our team, other team members (korean students) also start became ill. Get well soon, all~

About 09.00 p.m. we got PIZZAS and also Cola!! We ate together (Indonesian and Korean students). There were so many pizzas, and I was full because of dinner. (if I know that we’ll got pizza, I won’t eat much at dinner). I just ate one piece. So pity~. I thought that (maybe) the profesor and the vice directors want to cheer their students, because many of them start became ill. Maybe.
After that, we back to our room and slept.

Pizzas? You make me hungry, Nurul! So, tomorrow is July. What’s happened in 1st July?
I almost forget that we entered July. Welcome to my month!
As usually, Indonesian students have their “sahur” at 4 a.m. and after that we prepared for warming up. (some of us back to sleep againㅋㅋ). In this morning, we prepared something new for the warming up. We felt so bored if we just did “Poco-poco’s dance”. So, we prepared “Dumang’s dance”. But, after we did “Dumang’s dance”, suddenly Prof. Choi told us to did “Poco-poco’s dance” too. We (Indonesian students) can’t hold our laugh, we just to happy to see that!. We thought that Prof. Choi must have fallen in love with “Poco-poco’s dance”. After that, we back to our bungalows and korean students have their breakfast (as usually).

The activities will be started at 9 a.m, but we went to elementary school at 08.30 a.m. Today, we went to the first elementary school which we visited on Monday, Sukalilah Elementary School. Our team (the Art team) wasn’t complete. Jisu언니 didn’t go with us. Get well soon~

We arrived around 9 a.m. and started the class. First, we’ll teached the folding paper. Ga Yong lead us and other members spread in the class to help the children. It was little hard to follow by the children so we have an extra time to helped them. Me and Risna언니 also helped to made frog and ball. When we did folding paper, Jack오빠 only sat and prepared the balloons for the next lessons. He really looked in pain.

the students love to played their frog. It can Jumping!!!
After the folding paper’s lesson finished, we continued with balloon.
We we gave them the balloons... BAAAAAM!! The children were to excited. Suddenly the class became in chaos, so noisy! They shouted and ran in the class too. Me and Risna언니had to shout to dicipline them again. The children heard us, but it didn’t take a long time and they started to shouted again. The ballon lessons was very difficult to follow by them, so we have to made a puppy, a sword, and also a crown for them. Very....very....tired. Oh my hands~

they looked very very happy with the balloons...
It must a hard day for us. Almost all of them (like Jack오빠, Miyeon언니, Eunbi언니and others) looked very tired. They looked in a bad mood. They were not talk much and smile. We also didn’t take a picture together with the children today. Me and Risna언니 felt so sad of that.  We pray for your health, so our team back to being cheerful again. (aamiin). After the activities, we back to the Hotel again at 12 a.m. Me and Risna언니 felt so tired. We slept until 5 p.m. (ㅋㅋnew record!).

And after we had dinner, our team didn’t held meeting, because almost all of our members felt ill. So they prefer to took a rest earlier. And also, tomorrow we’ll teached the same lessons. So, they told us (me and Risna언니) to took a rest too. Thankyou.

We should back to our room, but we can’t. We should prepared for cooking in the morning. So, me, Risna언니, and Monica언니 went to the kitchen to prepared all. We cut the vegetables and potatoes. Also we cooked the rice. We finished at 10 p.m. so tired~

Ahh.. it wasn’t really good to started July, right? So, when in 2nd July, are they became better?
I hope when the morning comes, all will come with a better situation. But I was totally wrong. The situation became worse than before.ㅠㅠㅠ

At 3 a.m., me, Risna언니, and Monica언니 woke up and went to the kitchen for cooking. As usually, we ate “sahur” at 4 a.m and back to our rooms again. I felt so sleepy but I can’t sleep again, so I prefer to wrote the diary.

And at 6 a.m. we did warming up. There were many korean students who can’t join the warming up because they were in pain. This program lately became like a survival program. More and more are falling sick. Indonesian students felt so sad of that.

As usually, the activities started at 9 a.m. and yeah, today we lost our member again. Jack오빠 also can’t join us to teached in Citere elementary school. Jisu언니 still in pain too.

We directly entered the classroom after we arrived in there, and BAAAM!! The class is full of students, maybe I can say that it was over capacity. Ha Kyong언니 also asked me, why there are more students than two days ago?. I asked the one of student, and she answered that many students who not in their class want to joined. So yeah....very....over.....capacity.

We started to teach folding papers too. We spent very extra energy. Other members prepared the balloons. We need many balloons because there were many students... so they asked for help from Taekwondo team member. They helped us. Very grateful!

we got many help from Taekwondo team. Thankyou

And as usually, when we started to teach balloon’s lesson, BAAAM!! The students became very agressive. They shouted very loud. They asked many colours and they ran in the class. Our members started to felt annoyed. Me and Risna언니 too. We shouted to calm them, but it’s not worked anymore like in the Sukalillah. I almost lost my voice ㅠㅠㅠ.

It’s must be a hardest day!! We should made a puppy, a sword, and a crown for almost 40 students in the class. And in one day, we should teached two classes!!대박! We finished at 12 a.m. too and when we arrived at the hotel, I directly slept. Oh my throat!. We (me and Risna언니) had a free time again until dinner. So charged our energy.

After a dinner time, we have a meeting time as usually. And now, we back in complete members. Horaaaaay!!! All of them was in better condition, even though still in tired. In this time, we learned to made a bracelet. We made it from the shoelace and we braid (like for the hair). Eunbi언니 gave me and Risna언니 a bracelet that she made. Cantik!
this is the bracelet. 
After that, we learned how to folding the newspaper became Ttakjji. Woaaah!! I felt so excited. Do you know what is “Ttakjji”? No?? Aaah.. you have to watched Runningman episode 197! It is an interesting game from Korea!

When we finished the meeting, we back to our rooms. Honestly, I forgot what I did after that, because I didn’t write anything in my little book. Maybe I.........ahhh I’m forget.

Wow, the hardest day passed! Congratulation, Nurul. So, in 3rd July must be good?
 Yeah, the hardest day passed but life is not easy as we think. When the problem is gone, another problem arises again. I don’t really remember what happened during this day, because I really just wrote a little sentences in my little book. Urghh. Just like lost my map in writing.

As usually, we did warming up in the morning, and again we’re late! This was so bad. After that, we prepared to went to the school, Sukalilah and our team was complete. Today, there was a new member came to our team for helped us in Ttakjji Game. He is Park Giwan오빠!! Welcome.

We started our class. First, we made a bracelet. The students did it very well, especially girl students. Seems like they usually braid their hairㅋㅋ. That was so helped us. We didn’t spend to much energy like yesterday and also, because all of them (Korean students) were in good situation, their smile bright again.

Eunbi and GaYong helped the boy students

After that, we continued to made ttakjji game. We gave the students two pieces of newspaper. The students can followed to folding the newspaper well because it wasn’t hard as yesterday. We really grateful again. After that, we started to play Ttakjji game!!

The students was so happy when we started the battle games. I felt shocked because the students really really good in this game. They are master kid!! They also did battle game with our Art team members, especially with Giwan오빠, our king of Ttakjji. And also, Ha Eun (from Taekwondo team) joined the battle of Ttakjji with the students. Today’s class was so happy. Thanks God.

At 12 a.m. we back to Hotel again. I don’t remember what I did in the afternoon. I just wrote in my little book that I (and others girls of Indonesian students) took a rest. We didn’t know what schedules in this day, and BAAAAAM!!! We missed something important.

Yeah, we missed the time to went to tea gardens. All boys of Indonesian students joined that, but we (the girls) no. Oh my God! We felt so sad, upset and also embarrassed. Very upset... suddenly, the atmosphere of our team became really cold. Brrr....

Eunbi send to me this photo. Oh my God... It is really beautiful scenery.
I felt so envy with your photos in there. Why I didn't go there?
#crying a river
After the boys back (it was dinner time), we also missed that. What happened laaa? Because this bad situation, we did a sudden evaluation. After the big evaluation, we promised to made a big changed tomorrow. Yeah, we must!

In the night, we invited Prof. Choi, and also two vice directors to came to our bungalow (girls bungalow). We invited them because they just moved to the bungalow beside us. They also came with the two team leaders; Lee Min Hyuk and Anh Sin Jung. We served Indonesian food. It was fruit ice’s soup (es buah) and fried tempe (tempe mendoan). And also, we didn’t forget to served our chilies sauce, terasi sauce.
when we invited them 
After that, we back to meeting room. And I didn’t write anything in little book. I dunno what’s happened.

Wow the situation is good again. Nice to hear that! So, continue your story in 4th July!
Problems sometimes makes us more mature than before. So, there were many big changes in Indonesian team. The biggest change is when we did warming up. We usually late, but today we already since 05.30 a.m. LOL. We didn’t sleep again this morning.

As usually, we went to elementary school at 08.30 a.m, and arrived at Citere elementary school around 9 a.m. And today, we teach the same lessons as yesterday. We made a bracelet again and also played Ttakjji’s game. The students in this school isn’t really good in Ttakjji game, but they can enjoyed it very well. ㅋㅋ. The atmosphere of this class more happier. We took a picture each other, and also took a picture with the students. Me and Risna언니 took a picture with all of Art Team members. Jack오빠 also recorded some videos, and I don’t know what for. But I have a feeling, that was a secret mission for thatㅋㅋㅋ.

In the evening (around 4 p.m.), We (all of Korean students and Indonesian students) gathered together in the field. We will hold a sport game! Before the game, we divided into 3 teams (mix members from first and second team). The teams called, A team, B team, and C team. There were 3 kinds of game, and the winner will got 1.000.000 rupiahs!

The 3 kinds of games used a ball. They are:
1. Football game (looks like volleyball but it use your feet);
2. Handball game (looks like baseball but when we do a strike, it use your feet); and
3. Touch ball game (I have see this in Runningman!! LOL)

This game really wasn’t popular for Indonesian students so we felt so confused at the first time. We confused how to played that game and also the rules of that game. No one explain in english for us, so we just........blank....

The games really really cool and interesting. But it’s kinda difficult for who can’t do sport very well, like me. ㅋㅋㅋ. All of the teams won in one game, so the end result is same. 1:1:1. How can it be? We are all the winner!!

After the game, we prepared to have dinner. Prof. Choi told us that tonight (at 9 p.m.), we’ll got Chicken Party (and also Beer)! The prize for the winners, all spent to bought chicken and also beer. How rich they are!

So, before the chicken party’s started, we (the Art team) did handpainting again. But tonight, Risna 언니 didn’t join with us because she has a toothache. Suddenly felt so alone. In that time, I draw a duck (again). It was better that before LOL. Miyeon언니 told me that it is one of the cartoon characters in Korea. I forget it’s name. Sorry...

While waiting for the Chicken Party started, we did a chit-chat. Me, Julvin오빠, Eunbi언니, and Jack오빠 talked about many things. Actually, they (Eunbi언니and Jack오빠) mostly asked us (me and Julvin오빠). It was ranging from an easy question to answer to the most difficult for the answer. LOL. (sometimes, it’s hard to explained the answer in English).

The questions is like about: Can you drink alcohol?; Do you like dog?; Why muslim can’t touch dog?; Where did you learn Korean?; and Do you have boyfriend or girlfriend? ㅋㅋ

 We continued our talked while still did handpainting. Oh yeah,  I also knew that Julvin오빠, Eunbi언니, and me have a same birthday in 21st July!! How can it be? LOL.

The clock was over 9 p.m. but the chicken hasn’t come. I felt like dying because I haven’t took a rest in this day. I was really tired and sleepy. If it not because this exciting conversation, maybe I've chose to go back to the room.

Finally, the chicken arrived around 9.30 p.m or maybe more than that. The many chickens arrived with many beers too. It was my first time to see the Beer! LOL. Chicked finally distributed to our table. One pack for two people.  I ate it with Jack오빠 because he sat in front of me.

this is the beer!!
cr: Ha eun's facebook
I only ate one chicken because I can’t eat well in the late night. So, Jack오빠 ate them all. LOL. I don’t know why Korean people can have a perfect bodies while they ate so much food (especially in the late night)?. So amazed!! Korean people also really love to drink. They can drink more than a bottle of beer by themselves (boys or girls is same!). They said that the beer in front of them now, it’s just a water. Oh my God!! 대박! Julvin asked to Jack오빠, “did you not afraid being drunk tomorrow?”, and he answered... “I don’t think about tomorrow. I just thinking about today”. LOL!! I can’t handle my laugh..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ대박!!

Not took a long time, we (Indonesian students) back to our bungalows to took a rest, and Korean students still continued their chicken party. I don’t know what time they finished. ㅋㅋ

I just realize that I don’t really have many photos of in this day, because I didn’t bring my camera during the sport games this evening, and I also never brought my camera in the night meeting. So, yeah.... just a few photos. #sigh

To be continue
 Note: don’t miss the last part of this story soon. 안녕!

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